
Company Valuation - made simple

See the powerpoint presentation on slideshare here . See for a source of company data. Key Concepts Net Asset Value Net Asset Value: this value of all the assets (cash, stock , equipment) less all the liabilities of a company (unpaid invoices, loans, money due to taxman etc) Break-up Value= Net Asset Value minus the costs of selling all the assets and shutting down the company. This is the minimum value you can attribute to a company Going Concern In most cases it makes no sense to break-up a company and liquidate the assets. A company is worth more if it continues to operate (a "Going Concern") as over time it will probably generate more profits than the Break-up Value. Risk Faced with a choice on investing in a company or investing in government bonds, the investor needs to consider not just the projected returns but also the probabilities of these projections turning out to be true. That is to say the investor needs to eval...

What to do about an unpaid invoice?

Given the current economic situation in the UK and other developed economies, commercial debt is rising to unprecedented levels. It would seem that creditors, freelancers, and small and medium-sized businesses have to dedicate more and more resources each year chasing payment from indebted clients. An unpaid invoice is very much like a sore on the surface of your financial health, if left unchecked and untreated it can quickly balloon out of proportion and burst. Establishing and securing cash flow is vital to avoiding bankruptcy, and dealing with the non-payment of an invoice should be given top priority. This article sets out the options available to you to getting paid. There is no magic solution and there are pros and cons to each suggested remedy. On balance, my preferred choice is to register your invoice dispute with a service like as this is probably the cheapest way to stimulate your customer into paying up and if they don't you have ...